Public HAP Data Held Hostage - DAY 49 11/10/05

Ayatollah Kandis Nunn continues to hold public HAP data hostage. 

Political writers Ryan Frank, Renee Mitchel, Nick Budnick, Anna Griffin, Nigel Jaquiss, Les Zaitz, Doug Bates, Jim Redden, Mark Zusman et. al. locked out of HAP's public data vault.

Housing Czar Potter advised on rule of holes. When you find yourself in one the first thing to do is STOP DIGGING

Subject: It's Time To Deliver The Goods
Date: October 20, 2005 9:07:36 AM PDT

Mayor Potter:
It's been four weeks since I made the request below. I haven't received so much as a Post-It note with scribbled text and numbers on it. I'd consider this neglect of duty, misconduct in office and inefficiency as defined in ORS 456.110. How about you? HAP's refusal to provide public housing data by neighborhood can only continue with your approval. It is most unlikely that your colleagues on the Portland city council or officials at HUD will be able to accept the upcoming AI report as credible, accurate and complete without the availability of public housing data by neighborhood from HAP. In addition, the Multnomah county press, candidates for public offices in Multnomah county and 700,000 citizens in Multnomah county - to use language from a past popular TV commercial, want to know, "Where's The Beef?" 

NOW would be a very good time for YOU to make good on YOUR promise as a candidate for mayor in September of 2004 and YOUR directive of January 26, 2005 as mayor to provide your colleagues at city hall, elected officials and candidates for public office throughout Multnomah county and the 700,000 citizens of Multnomah county with authentic, accurate, complete and timely public housing data by neighborhood from the Housing Authority of Portland.

Richard Ellmyer
3-6-9 Resolution author and project champion
President, MacSolutions Inc. - A Macintosh computer consulting business providing web hosting for artists and very small businesses.
Writer/Publisher - HAP Watcher commentary - Published on the Internet and distributed to 4000 readers interested in public housing policy in Multnomah County.
Portsmouth - formerly the 18%, currently the 6% solution neighborhood, North Portland

Subject: Public Access To HAP Data - A Tipping Point
Date: September 23, 2005 12:43:58 PM PDT
To:   Kandis Nunn <>

Hi Kandis:
On January 26, 2005 you and I were both attending a Portland city council meeting at which mayor Potter asked HAP to make available its public housing data by neighborhood. In May 2005 I was informed by the mayor's office that the mayor had not pursued the release of the data to the public by HAP to that time because it would be available with the release of the HUD required AI report due out in September 2005. The publication of that report is imminent.

It must be presumed that the mayor has withheld enforcement of his January 26, 2005 directive until the completion of the AI report because the CREDIBILITY of those portions of the AI report which purport to be based on authentic, complete and accurate public housing data by neighborhood could only be established by comparing the data used to generate the so-called HAP neighborhood report sections with the actual data supplied by HAP to the map makers at Portland State University. HAP's history of refusal for more than four and a half years to provide anyone with public housing data by neighborhood DEMANDS that it provide the same data it provided to PSU to the public and other elected officials in Multnomah county to validate the authenticity, completeness and accuracy of every HAP related neighborhood map, chart, table or graph in the AI report.

In the spirit of the mayor's directive and the public records law I am requesting a record for every public housing client in the form of a tab delimited text file with the following four fields: neighborhood, median income range (0-30,31-50,51-80%), age, gender which would be downloadable via FTP from HAP's website.

HOWEVER, I WILL ACCEPT ANY PORTION OF THE DATA I HAVE REQUESTED. In other words, I will take whatever you are willing to give me or any other citizen or public official that asks.

The release of the AI report will be a defining moment for both mayor Potter and HAP. Your response to my request will resolve the issue of whether mayor Potter's promise as a candidate and his order as mayor for HAP to provide the citizens and elected officials of Multnomah county HAP's public housing data by neighborhood was sincere or a sham. It will expose the mayor of Portland's role as Multnomah County Public Housing Czar as well as the statutory responsibility and authority attendant to that designation to guide, supervise and coordinate the annual spending of $200,000,000 in Multnomah county by those twenty-nine public housing commissioners that serve at his pleasure. Since you and the rest of the HAP board can be removed from office for a number of reasons including neglect of duty and insubordination, this request for public information is really a test and request of mayor Potter. You and HAP are merely the vehicle.

If, in your response, you would care to include any thoughts you might have as the Chair of the Housing Authority of Portland on the public's right to public housing data by neighborhood or the need to introduce the 3-6-9 Resolution to the city council as the basis for the beginning of a discussion on the quantification and auditablilty of public housing policy in Multnomah county, I and the readers of my HAP Watcher commentary would be very interested.

Thank you.

Richard Ellmyer
3-6-9 Resolution Author and Project Champion
President, MacSolutions Inc. - A Macintosh computer consulting business providing web hosting for artists and very small businesses.
Writer/Publisher - HAP Watcher commentary - Published on the Internet and distributed to 4000 readers interested in public housing policy in Multnomah County.
Portsmouth - formerly the 18%, currently the 6% solution neighborhood, North Portland